
Essential Tips for Choosing the Best Walkie-Talkies for Your Needs

essential tips for choosing the best walkie talkies for your needs

Tips for Choosing the Best Walkie-Talkies – Find The Right Hand Radio

Finding the right walkie-talkie isn’t hard if you know what stats you are looking for. Walkie-talkies are great for outdoor adventures or collaborating with teammates. They are used for a variety of settings due to being so versatile.  If you are in the market for finding a walkie talkie, keep reading. We have compiled some things that you should look out for and understand, from why people like walkie-talkies over phones to the different wavelengths and how they differ.  There are walkie-talkies meant for short distances that are rather inexpensive to some that require special licensing.  These are all things we will go further into to help you with choosing the best walkie-talkies for your needs. 

essential tips for choosing the best walkie talkies for your needs

Why Not Just Use Your Phone?

Many people don’t understand why anyone would want to use a walkie-talkie when there are cell or mobile phones available. However, walkie-talkies provide a quick, one-button way to communicate with whoever is on the other line. They work effortlessly without cell phone towers and can be used in remote locations such as hiking in the woods. The ease of use, durability, and ability to be used anywhere are some of the many reasons people prefer walkie-talkie communication over cell phones.  


One factor that needs to be considered is the environment in which you plan to use the walkie-talkie. If you are looking to use it in a professional setting, then you’ll need one with a longer range and better battery life, and you probably want more channels. You may even need some special channels to protect the privacy of the calls. If you are looking to find a walkie-talkie for your next hiking trip, you probably don’t need to go so extreme. While there are many different ranges, types, and features for your walkie-talkie, you should try to find one that will meet your needs. If you are on a hiking trip, it probably doesn’t matter if someone else is on your channel and happens to hear your conversation. However, if you are a first responder, you don’t want to blab the name of your patient across open airwaves. Choosing a walkie talkie to your environment is key.

Radio Frequencies

There are two different frequencies on the walkie-talkie market. Those are UHF (ultra high frequency) and VHF (very high frequency). The VHF waves are longer and cover more distance with less power. VHF is great for open areas, such as airports or golf courses. However, UHF works better for areas that might have some obstacles. It can work through walls and other things. So, you’ll need to keep this in mind when shopping for a walkie-talkie. Where do you plan on using it? If you are hiking in the woods, you might want to have one that can penetrate obstacles. 

Distance and Range

The distance and range of your walkie-talkie will also make a huge difference. Every manufacturer will tell you the maximum distance that the walkie-talkie will reach. However, this is done in perfect conditions. Obstructions, wind, and other things can affect the range, which you need to keep in mind. When using walkie talkies outside, these things will affect the range. If you are looking for a more private conversation, then you will want to explore digital walkie-talkies. These also tend to have a better range. 

Battery Life

There are different types of batteries which will affect how they perform. Also, what type of environment the batteries will be in should also be taken into consideration. You should also look at the charging time needed for the batteries. While this might not matter to those using these every so often, if you plan to use them daily for work, then you’ll need to be sure they will have ample time to charge between shifts.


When choosing the best walkie-talkies, you also need to consider licensing. While those who are using these for a random hiking trip probably won’t need licenses, if you are a professional, you might want to consider it. Licenses are an added cost, but the radios that require them are far more powerful than those that you can use unlicensed. 
As you can see, there’s a lot to consider and look over when looking for a new walkie-talkie. These are just some of the key points that you need to keep in mind when looking for something that fits your needs. Furthermore, you also need to ensure that your walkie-talkie is compatible with whatever other walkie-talkie you plan on communicating with. Choosing the best walkie-talkies, with the right preparation, can be pretty easy. Most of the stats are laid out for you by the manufacturers. Just be sure that you keep in mind that testing is only done under perfect conditions, and you will most likely not be using your walkie-talkie in such conditions.

For more tips on what to consider when choosing a walk talkie read on here.

Choosing the Best Walkie-Talkies
About The Arthur
Picture of Kenny Zhang
I've been running a factory that manufactures two-way radios & their accessories. We want to share some knowledge and news about Walkie-Talkie from the sight of the supplier.

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